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This website works best with JavaScript switched on. Please enable JavaScript, aqa coursework help. This resource provides guidance on the NEA requirements for A-level English Literature A, and should be read in conjunction with the NEA requirements set out in the specification.

Aqa coursework help develops and aqa coursework help the requirements, but is wholly consistent with them. Exemplar student responses accompany this guidance.

Texts across time is the non-exam assessment NEA component of our new A-level English Literature A specification. The specification is committed to the notion of autonomous personal reading and Texts across time provides students with the invaluable opportunity to work independently, aqa coursework help their own interests and to develop their own ideas and meanings.

The introduction to NEA should provide students with a detailed review of the above requirements and guidance on what it means to work independently e.

productive research skills, effective time management, aqa coursework help. The point at which students begin their NEA preparation will depend on individual school and college decisions.

Schools and colleges may aim to introduce the NEA in the first year of the course. An appropriate opportunity would be the six weeks which follow the completion of AS examinations but other opportunities will be available, especially where schools and colleges are not entering their students for AS.

Schools and colleges will differ in how they approach NEA and this may be dependent upon whether:. These approaches are equally valid and take account of the different contexts in which schools and colleges will be working, aqa coursework help. What is important is that each approach recognises that a degree of autonomy in student text and task choice is required. Ideally a range of differentiated texts and tasks will be seen across a submission for this component.

That said, students will choose their texts and shape their tasks with your support and you will be supported by your NEA advisor and the following offers you some guidance on how to help your students make these choices. Connecting two texts on a common theme means choosing two texts which maximise opportunities for writing about both similarities and differences.

Whilst the only date requirement is that one text must be written pre, the component title 'Texts across time' indicates that effective comparison and contrast occurs when the same theme is explored in two texts separated by a significant period of time; here the different contexts of production will inform the similarities and differences in approach taken by the writers to the chosen theme and students will have encountered this diachronic approach in component 1, Love through the ages, aqa coursework help.

This is particularly pertinent if students choose two texts from the same genre poetry, prose, drama. If, however, aqa coursework help, students are interested in writing about atheme within a clearly defined time period, it is advisable to consider how the study of texts from different genres will open up discussion of similarities and differences.

Students will encounter this synchronic approach in component 2: Texts in shared contexts, and exemplar student response A is an excellent example of the successful connection of a prose and drama text, written within twenty five years of each other, aqa coursework help the Victorian period. When supporting students with their choice of texts, therefore, the following guidance is useful:. If students are struggling to identify a thematic topic area of interest to them, or texts for study, the specification offers suggestions of themes page 20 and, as at least one of the texts must have been written pre, of pre texts pages This is by no means an exhaustive list and it should be emphasised that students are free to develop their own interests from their independent reading.

The exemplar NEA responses, however, show how these suggestions might be taken as a starting point and then developed with a more clearly defined focus. Other such combinations to consider as a starting point might include:. What these suggestions provide, therefore, is a way for students to begin thinking about the NEA and student autonomy should always be encouraged.

What is clear, given that the NEA assesses all five assessment objectives AOsis that the task must allow access to them all. Students should be familiar with this concept by the time they approach the NEA as all AOs are tested in aqa coursework help questions in the examined components 1 and 2. Exemplar student response A is a good example of how access to all AOs is enabled by the task and the moderator commentary explains how the AOs have been addressed by the student.

It is worth considering how key terms in the task wording enable different AOs to be accessed:. AO1 : Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.

In doing so, she will express her ideas using appropriate terminology. AO3 : Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in aqa coursework help literary texts are written and received.

Having completed the study of their chosen texts, researched secondary sources and devised an appropriate task, aqa coursework help, students will need guidance on how to pull their ideas together into a coherent response. Here again, exemplar student response A offers an excellent example of how to structure a sophisticated argument and the moderator commentary explains how this student achieves this.

Some key points to note are:. It is worthwhile emphasising that the teacher must confirm that each essay submitted is the work of the individual student. The JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications document Instructions aqa coursework help conducting coursework provides further guidance about the level of support and guidance that is appropriate for teachers to aqa coursework help to students. In accordance with JCQ guidance, the following support would not be acceptable:.

The role and responsibilities of teachers in submitting marks are set out in Section 6, aqa coursework help.

Please note that a mark out of 50 is required. This means that the mark you award against the assessment criteria, which will be out of 25, needs to be doubled when aqa coursework help on the Candidate record form, before submitting marks to AQA.

AQA is not responsible for the content aqa coursework help external sites. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please either accept the cookies, or find out how to remove them Accept Accept cookies.

More information Accept. skip to main content. Contact us About us Join us Log in Centre Services Associate Extranet All About Maths e-AQA Aqa coursework help Log in Centre Services Associate Extranet All About Maths e-AQA Examiner Extranet Search Menu, aqa coursework help. Specifications that use this resource: AS and A-level English Literature A ; Independent critical study: Texts across time This resource provides guidance on the NEA requirements for A-level English Literature A, aqa coursework help, and should be read in conjunction with the NEA requirements aqa coursework help out in the specification.

A poetry text could be either one longer narrative poem or a single authored collection of shorter poems, aqa coursework help. A discrete Chaucer Tale would be suitable as a text for study, as would a poem such as The Rape of the Lock. If students are using a collection of short poems, they must have studied the whole text and select at least two poems to write about in detail as examples of the wider collection Single authored collections of short stories are permissible.

If students are using a collection of short stories, they must have studied the whole text and select at least two stories to write about in detail as examples of the wider collection. Managing the NEA The introduction to NEA should provide students with a detailed review of the above requirements and guidance on what it means to work independently e. Advice on text choice Connecting two texts on a common theme means choosing two texts which maximise opportunities for writing about both similarities and differences.

Remember, however, that the A-level set texts cannot be used in NEA texts chosen for study must maximise opportunities for writing about both similarities and differences texts must allow access to a range of critical views and interpretations, including over time, which students can evaluate and apply autonomously. gothic fictionaqa coursework help, contexts e. of production and receptionauthorial method e, aqa coursework help.

narrative structure or point of viewtheoretical perspective e. AO2 : Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts. AO4 : Explore connections across literary texts. AO5 : Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.

NEA exemplar student response A - Band 5 - North and Aqa coursework help and A Doll's House NEA exemplar student response C - Band 5 - Great Expectations and A Clockwork Orange NEA exemplar student response D - Aqa coursework help 5 - Far From the Madding Crowd and the poetry of R.

Thomas Advice on writing the essay Having completed the study of their chosen texts, researched secondary sources and devised an appropriate task, students will need guidance on how to pull their ideas together into a coherent response. AQA does not insist on a particular form of referencing but following the example given in the exemplar student responses would be appropriate. outlines, paragraph headings or section headings intervening personally to improve the presentation or content of the work.

Awarding marks The role and responsibilities of teachers in submitting marks are set out in Section 6. Contact Details Give us your feedback. Social Media Links Twitter YouTube LinkedIn.

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