Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language Jun 19, · Abstract Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops are plants genetically engineered (modified) to contain the endospore (or crystal) toxins of the bacterium, Bt to be resistant to certain insect pests. In , the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in USA approved the commercial production and distribution of the Bt crops: corn, cotton, potato, and tobacco. Currently, the most common Bt crops 7 is not a low score for someone your age. I’m 42 and mine is At our age it should be 0. The key is to do anything you can re; diet, exercise, etc. to keep it from progressing. We are too young to have this score. So whatever we are doing needs to change. Inflammation, eating processed and fatty foods, lack of exercise, etc. will do this
Doc's Opinion. Estimated reading time: 8 minutes. Measurements of coronary artery calcium score CAC scoring are commonly used to assess future heart disease risk. When we age, calcium deposits can be found in many parts of our bodies. Calcification in the arterial walls is common in people aged 65 and older. Today, a heart scan, also known as a coronary calcium scan, is used to assess the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries, how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods.
To be able to function normally, the heart needs a continuous supply of oxygen and other nutrients. The coronary arteries play how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods essential role in delivering these nutrients to the heart muscle.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition in which plaque builds up inside the arteries. A plaque is made up of inflammatory cells, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances. Plaques in the coronary arteries may block blood flow to the heart muscle, leading to chest pain symptoms.
Furthermore, plaques may rupture, leading blood clotting at the plaque site. This may cause a sudden disruption of blood flow, leading to a heart attack.
In the early s, several risk factors for coronary artery disease were defined. Since then, it has repeatedly been documented that smoking, high LDL-cholesteroland high blood pressure are associated with increased risk.
Examples of other conditions that predispose to coronary artery disease are family history, insulin resistancephysical inactivitymental stressand depression, how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods. Coronary heart disease remains the most common cause of death in the Western world.
Hence, identifying individuals at risk is a significant step to reduce the burden of this disease. Measuring the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries by CT scan may provide important information about the presence of coronary artery disease. Most of us will ultimately get calcification in our arteries as we age. Hence, how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods, calcification of the coronary arteries can be regarded as an aging phenomenon.
However, if the amount of calcium is higher than expected by age, it may reflect an increased heart attack risk. For many years, arterial calcification was thought to result from a degenerative process associated with aging. However, recent evidence suggests a more active process, likely arising from inflammation of the vessel wall. In the s, US cardiologists lead by Dr. Arthur Agatston studied how to assess the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries. Using an ultrafast CT scan technique, Agatston defined a method to calculate coronary artery calcium score CAC score.
CAC score is an important tool to predict heart attack risk and other vascular events 2. Nonetheless, the CAC score does not reflect the presence or absence of blockages or impaired blood flow in the arteries. Still, a patient with a high CAC score is more likely to block a coronary artery than a patient with a low CAC score.
An individual with a CAC score of zero is very unlikely to have a severe blockage of a coronary artery. The following definitions are used to relate the CAC score to the extent of underlying coronary artery disease 3 :. When interpreting the CAC score, it is essential to consider age and gender. Women, in general, have lower calcium scores than men.
A calcium score calculator is available here that provides CAC score distribution based on age, gender, and ethnicity. CAC score increases with age. Hence, at a certain age, we will be expected to have a specific CAC score that would be considered normal for that age. This score would then reflect the age of our arteries or the arterial age.
However, if the CAC score is high, our arterial age may be higher than our observed age. Conversely, if our CAC score is low, the arterial age may be lower than our observed age. The table below shows how arterial age can be predicted from the CAC score 4. A year-old man has a CAC score of According to the table above, his arterial age will be 84 years.
Hence, this year-old man has arteries that are consistent with the arteries of an year-old man. Arterial age based on the CAC score can also be calculated here. The ASCVD score is based on several parameters such as gender, race, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, smoking, and the presence of diabetes.
ASCVD score can be calculated here. CAC scoring is not recommended in individuals with ASCVD risk below 5 percent. Lately, ultrafast spiral CT has been used to assess coronary calcium. This technique, often called heart scan, makes the scanning time very short. As high heart rate may reduce imaging quality, patients are often asked to refrain from smoking and drinking coffee before the scan. Sometimes beta-blockers are administered to slow heart rate. Many experts have expressed concerns about the radiation involved with the CT scan.
It has been estimated that there may be an increase in cancer risk with repeated procedures 6. There is no specific treatment available that lowers coronary calcium. Treatment of individuals with high calcium scores should aim at reducing risk. This involves treating lipid disorders, high blood pressure, and diabetes if present. Due to the overwhelming evidence of benefit in individuals with coronary artery disease, treatment with aspirin and statins is often advised.
Refraining from smoking is essential, and regular, moderate exercise is advised. Further evaluation may be needed if extensive calcification is present. Treatment with statins is often advised for patients with a high CAC score.
This is based on their ability to reduce plaque size and improve clinical outcomes. Interestingly, however, statins do not reduce calcifications in the coronary arteries. In fact, some studies suggest that statins may promote coronary calcification 7.
The fact that the CAC score is associated with increased risk does not prove that calcium itself is harmful. It is simply a marker of underlying how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods artery disease.
Patients with high CAC scores have simply had their coronary artery disease detected by the high amount of coronary calcium. The calcium itself is not the problem. Indeed, it has been suggested that the calcium may represent shrinkage and stabilization of plaques 8.
Statins are often recommended if the CAC score is above Conversely, statin therapy is not recommended in patients with a CAC score of zero. Inadequate calcium intake can lead to decreased bone density, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Supplemental calcium can increase bone mineral density and bone strength. However, recent data suggests that high consumption of calcium supplements may increase calcification of the arteries 9. Hence, it has been suggested that elevated consumption of calcium supplements may raise the risk of heart disease. Vitamin K2 deficiency is associated with an increased risk of calcification of the blood vessels. Furthermore, researh indicates that the use of vitamin K2 supplements is associated with decreased arterial calcification Hence, increased intake of vitamin K2 might help to reduce the health risks associated with coronary calcium.
However, further studies are needed to establish the role of K2 supplements how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods people with high CAC score. The article was initially published August 19, It was revised, updated and republished on December 20th, I had it done for my own personal interest. A score of 37 indicates you will have a massive heart attack within 3 years so it looks like you have about one year left.
Good luck! I got a 37 score at age The answer was that calcium stabilizes plaque and you could still have soft plaque with a zero score and that is the type that could break loose and cause a stroke or heart attack. Also it is unlikely that any 70 year old male has no plaque in this country. So which is it — should we use statins to lower risk with score under or will it not have an effect on the calcification progression???
The rationale for their use is based on the assumption that individuals with high calcium scores have extensive atherosclerosis, and the fact that statins have been shown to improve outcome in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Admittedly my Father died of a heart attack at 74, but I am a lot fitter than he was at my age. However, a coronary calcium score of 3 is fairly low and clearly below medium for your age. You can use the calculator here. In order to see the whole picture it would be interesting to have some how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods on how to do researh paper on genetically modified foods lipid profile.
Do you have high blood pressure? Your health sounds fabulous. My doctor pushes a lot of tests and pills, too, and I keep telling him there is no heart disease in my family yet he acts like I might drop dead any moment. I am now taking statins which I resisted for years but I am diabetic and they think it has a correlation there to keep the blood sugar low. What I am trying to do is find if there is a way to reduce these scores because mine was 61 and I am 72 but with low blood pressure and I exercise regularly.
I will tell him about this.
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, time: 5:32
7 is not a low score for someone your age. I’m 42 and mine is At our age it should be 0. The key is to do anything you can re; diet, exercise, etc. to keep it from progressing. We are too young to have this score. So whatever we are doing needs to change. Inflammation, eating processed and fatty foods, lack of exercise, etc. will do this Nov 21, · Arsenic (As) is quite an abundant metalloid, with ancient origin and ubiquitous distribution, which represents a severe environmental risk and a global problem for public health. Microbial exposure to As compounds in the environment has happened since the beginning of time. Selective pressure has induced the evolution of various genetic systems conferring useful capacities in many Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language
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