Physical fitness Essay Example. Ability of the body to exert force against a resistance in some maximum effort Flexibility Range of motions of joints in the body Skill Related Fitness Reaction time Time taken to respond to a stimulus Power Combination of strength and speed in explosive movements Agility Ability to change direction, quickly and Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well-being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Being fit doesn’t mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person Physical Fitness Essay - Emily Klein. Emily Klein. GET FIT, STAY WELL! Every day, everybody in some way goes through a physical fitness, which is the ability to accomplish a physical activity without to much exhaustion. Physical fitness is broken up into two separate parts, physical activity and exercise
FREE Physical fitness Essay
Physical fitness is a necessity for everyone regardless of race, culture, or sex in order to live a long healthy life, physical fitness essay. In order to achieve physical fitness, you must be able to perform physical fitness essay tasks vigorously, while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity.
There are many benefits of physical fitness like endurance, good figure, muscular strength, and flexibility. Some mental benefits include a positive attitude, physical fitness essay, high self-esteem, and the production of endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller.
There have been many benefits of physical activity, which were always praised throughout history. It was not until the s, that enough information was available on physical fitness. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association has since begun issuing physical activity recommendations to the public. Some of these recommendations include cardio-respiratory exercises and sustained periods of vigorous activity. The past several years the ACSM, CDC, AHA, Physical fitness essay, and NIH have also recommended regular, moderate physical activity.
There are also risks involved with physical activity. The most common health problem related to physical activity is muscle and skeletal injury. These injuries can occur with almost any amount of exercise when the body is not conditioned.
Flexibility and the proper education associated with these exercises are usually over looked. Some of the more serious risks associated with physical activity include heart attacks or sudden death when people are unaccustomed to exercise. Physical fitness can be divided into five categories that include aerobic fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and body physical fitness essay. Aerobic fitness refers to your body's ability to endure 10 minutes of continuous exercise.
Muscular strength describes the amount of force you generate using your muscles. Endurance is the amount of force you can generate repeatedly. What is physical fitness? Physical fitness is the ability to complete tasks without undue fatigue. No matter how you define physical fitness, it is an important part of your life. By managing the aforementioned components, good physical fitness can be achieved.
Combining good physical fitness, mental fitness and spiritual fitness can ensure good health. PHYSICAL FITNESS Regular physical activity is important throughout life. Everyone both young and old should include regular physical activity into their everyday lives, physical fitness essay.
There are other benefits to regular exercise besides building strength and aerobic fitness. So as you can see physical fitness is very simple and has a lot of good benefits. That is because regular physical activity reduces your chance of heart disease and stroke.
A physical education teacher teaches indoors the majority of the times. The reason I want to be a physical education teacher is because I want to demonstrate and explain to students the importance of fitness. Pomazak, he told me his responsibilities were to teach three sections of freshman Physical fitness essay, where he teach fitness concepts and skill for three game units. He also teaches two of advanced strength and conditioning classes which focus entirely on performance enhancement and fitness.
Also with an Exercise Science degree you can go into other related jobs in this field like Aerobi Course Description According to the state of California curriculum standards for Physical Education, all freshmen will be enrolled in a Course 1 Physical Education class, physical fitness essay.
All Course 1 students will participate in and demonstrate knowledge of: aquatics, fitness, dance and rhythms, individual and dual sports. Each student's goal is to pass the California Physical Fitness Test 5 out of 6 tests in the spring. To develop the students' physical fitness levels and an appreciation for fitness. Students achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demons FITNESS ADNAN KHAN Fitness is a way we keep ourselves health, and active.
Fitness has many benefits, but is not easy to achieve. There are many components to physical fitness. Cardio respiratory Fitness: The healthy functioning of the circulatory and respiratory system. Cardio respiratory Fitness is the circulation of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, physical fitness essay, and their systems. There are five basic aspects to physical fitness.
Muscular endurance is another aspect of physical fitness. A fourth aspect of physical fitness is flexibility. The final aspect of physical physical fitness essay is body composition. Or, if you like, you can make a physical fitness plan for yourself. Concepts of Fitness Allison Abbott October 17, physical fitness essay, Did I enjoy your class, physical fitness essay, and if so why or why not?
I also enjoyed the physical labs, even though I had to do something that I don't like doing and that is changing clothes. If someone asked me whom to take for concepts of fitness I would have physical fitness essay recommend for them to take you, and it would not be because you were easy it would be just because you made it a little bit easier to understand. Concepts of Fitness Did I enjoy your class, and if so why or why not?
Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. Physical fitness Word Count: Approx Pages: 5 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 90 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to Physical fitness 1. Overview of Physical Fitness. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Grade Level: High School. Physical Fitness. On Becoming a Physical Education Teacher. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Grade Level: High School. California Standards for Physical Education.
Word Count: Approx Pages: 5. The Benefits of Physical Fitne. Word Count: Approx Pages: 1 Grade Level: High School.
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Flag this paper! Physical fitness is a necessity for everyone regardless of race, culture, or sex in order to live a long healthy life. In order to achieve physical fitness, you must be able to perform daily tasks vigorously, while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity. There are many benefits of physical fitness like endurance, good figure, muscular strength, and flexibility.3/5(10) Physical fitness can benefit you in many different ways such as reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, stroke, and high blood pressure, etc. Maintaining a physically fit body will overall make you stronger, and live a healthy lifestyle. Being physically fit will improve the performance of all the muscles in your body including your heart, and helps with, balance, power, speed, coordination, and Physical Fitness essaysPhysical fitness is to the human body what fine tuning is to an engine. It enables us to perform up to our potential. Fitness can be described as a condition that helps us look, feel and do our best. More specifically, it is the "ability of the human body to function w
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